First number is for this month next number is total for 2 months.
Weight Lost
7.30 lbs - 18.60 lbs
Inches Lost:
Bust 2.50 - 4.00
Waist 3.00 - 3.50
Hips 2.50 - 2.50
Thigh 2.50 - 3.00
Bicep 0.00 - 0.50
TOTAL 10.50 - 13.50
Percentage Weight Lost
2.78% - 7.09%
Percentage Inches Lost
5.37% - 8.15%
Total Percentage Lost
8.15% - 14.00%
I was pretty proud of this! I really wanted a weight loss of 20lbs for the past 2 months, but I was really close. Maybe I can make this up next month and be at 30lbs lost. I think that should be my goal for next month.
Check out the team pictures from last night. Can you tell we have all lost weight! It is really exciting and to see everyone succeed, it is awesome! Every one of us is a winner!
The Green team has lost a total of 64 lbs

The orange team has lost a total of 60 lbs and they were down 1 team member. Looks like my team needs to work harder!!!!

We had a sports pyscologist from Tanner come in and talk to us about the mental benefits of exercise. It was really interesting and we all really enjoyed it.
At the end of the meeting they announced the biggest loser for the month with the monthly total percentage lost and that person would win an exercise matt, Jillian's (from Biggest Loser) Kickboxing DVD and Tube weight resistance system. Guess who won? GUESS GUESS GUESS
I was extremely surprised! I am not out to win prizes. I'm out to win me back! The prizes are an added benefit! It really made me feel good and I think it will be a continued motivator to keep up with my exercising and work even harder next month. I want to see the 30 lb mark! And if I won that means every single person that has encouraged me and been there for me also wins as well! Thank you to everyone and please keep pushing me, asking me and don't let me slack off at all!
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