Once we got to Orlando we waited forever to get in the parking lot. I decided while we waited to go ahead and have a snack so I had my protein shake. Not such a good

After we finally got into the park the first thing on the agenda was riding Kraken. This is one of the kids favorite roller coasters. I opted out to take pictures! If you look real close they are in the second row. I think the kids ended up riding at least 5 times, maybe more. The last 3 pictures was me cheating. They were the digital pictures you can buy and I just took a picture from the board. I thought they came out pretty well.

We had a great time seeing all the shows too. We saw the Believe Show (The new Shamu show) which debuted one of their new baby whales. This whale refused to go in the back like it was supposed to and delayed the show about 10 minutes. It was pretty neat I thought. We had faitas for lunch as it was the best choice I could find. Eating well at a theme park is rather challenging.

Did I mention how incredibly hot it was? It was in the mid 90's and there was not much shade unless you were watching a show. It started raining though around 5:00 and we were in the Dolphin viewing area which is underground. It was very cool and the kids sat on the floor in front of the tanks and watched to dolphins while listening to classical music. It was extremely relaxing. I really thought these pictures came out well.

By the time we left the parks at 9:45pm we were all exhausted! We went to the hotel, showered and were all asleep within a few minutes. What a great day we had!
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