Next stop was Spiderman which bounches and spins you around. Barry almost did not make it off the ride without being sick. Unfortunately, this is his favorite ride and it got the better of him. The kids thought it was pretty funny.
From there we headed to Suess Landing. I love this section of the park. I think I've found my christmas card picture this year. What do you think?

So do I look any smaller yet? I have to say that I feel much better. I was actually able to really enjoy myself this time and was not so exhausted I could not have fun. It gave me lots of encouragement.
We had lunch at Mythos. This is for the 4th year running the number 1 Theme Park Restaurant in the world. It is heavenly! And they even had something just for me. Yeah. As you can see, we had a lot of fun. Emily was having fun taking pictures of Barry and I and she wanted a picture of us kissing, but it took her so long we were giggling pretty hard by the time she actually took the photo.

After doing all the fun things in the park we headed back to the hotel to change and then we had dinner at Bob Marley's in City Walk. Oh that was so yummy! and yes, I made good choices. But prior to that Emily got a hairwrap that she was oh soooo proud of. This was her reward for straight A's. Very good Em! I have to say that Devin also got straight A's but he did not want a hair wrap.

Yes, I will turn the pictures around when I get a minute!
After dinner we headed back to the resort. This time we walked. It is about a half a mile walk from City Walk and it was wonderful.
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