Happy Sunday everyone! It is raining outside and what a lazy day. Church was great today and I enjoyed lunch with Justin and Elizabeth and getting to know them as well. They are going to be a great addition to our church staff.
My plans for today are to be lazy. Curl up on the couch with the TV, a blanket and maybe take a nap. It sounds wonderful! Barry should be back on Wednewsday and things can become normal around here. I'm looking forward to that!!
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Friday, June 23, 2006
Week 10 - Friday - Unexpected Call
As I was leaving work today I got a surprise phone call from Gold's Gym. As I look at the caller ID I'm thinking did I leave something at the gym. It was Tracey. She is so sweet to me everytime she sees me at the gym. She called to check on me and to see how I was doing. That made me feel so good that she would take her time to call me and tell me I was doing good. I think God knows I need the encouragement and he has sent folks to me continuously to keep me going. Thank you Tracey for caring! I'd never had folks at the gym actually take an interest in what I was doing before I it really makes a difference! Keep up the good work. You can make a big difference in people by showing that you care!
Week 10 - Thursday - Mall Walking
I had a good day today. It is good because Barry is home! I went to Gold's on my way home and did as much of my weights as I could before I headed to the mall for our weekly meeting. They are not required, but I enjoy going and giving as well as receiving motivation from the other folks. We were suppose to meet at the Park, but it was raining so we decided on the mall instead. Kelley, Dana, Dot and I headed out into the mall and walked for 45 minutes. We went upstairs and down. It was over before I knew it. I really enjoyed myself and got 45 minutes of cardio in at the same time. Thanks Kelley and Dana!
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Week 10 - Wednesday - Better Day
Today Devin and I set up his first e-mail address. I did not even know what e-mail was when I was 11. Our kids have access to so much information (good and bad) that we did not. Technology is so cool.
I had a good day today. It was better than yesterday for sure. My sinus' are driving me crazy and I've had a headache, but I've been in a better mood. I know my kids are happy about that! Barry will be home tomorrow and I will be happy too!
I'm ready for our days to get back to normal.
I had a good day today. It was better than yesterday for sure. My sinus' are driving me crazy and I've had a headache, but I've been in a better mood. I know my kids are happy about that! Barry will be home tomorrow and I will be happy too!
I'm ready for our days to get back to normal.
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Week 10 - Tuesday - Lonely
For all the single parents out there - I do not know how you do it on a regular basis! I take for granted when Barry is here (he is in Las Vegas for work) and how much he helps me. I'm not just talking about house-work either. He helps me so much coordinate with the kids and run them here and there. I've already had to leave work early twice this week and it is only Tuesday. It is rather stressful to deal with it all. Not only do I miss his help, I also miss his company. Barry is my best friend and even when he is gone a few days I miss him. I know it sounds corny, but I do. For those of you reading this that may not be married, remember to marry your best friend! I also have to admit I do not sleep well when he is gone. I think it is because he makes me feel safe and when he is not here I have to be the protector and I don't do it as well as he does. What a wimp I'm being tonight!
I was ready to kill the puppy today. She scratched my face pretty good under my eye. Emily was so sweet she told me I was bleeding and then asked if she could doctor me. Of course I said yes. I enjoy my daughters company. She is so sweet!
I'm exhausted today too. I do believe it is because I've not been eating enough food. I'm not getting enough protein, carbs or fat. I've neglected myself this week and I sure can tell the difference. My energy level is gone and I don't seem to be able to focus and I'm pretty grumpy too. I wanted so much to get my room cleaned, my bathroom cleaned, all the clothes washed and a start on doing a purge on Emily's room (she is growing up way to fast!). I've cleaned the kitchen and washed 1.5 loads of clothes.
I'm not sure I'll get much more done tomorrow. I pick the kids up from Kids Camp at the church then I've got to figure out dinner and time to workout too. The kids want to do the rock wall again so at least they won't mind going. Oh yes, did I mention Becky is in labor too! Or at least she thinks she is.
Yes, I'm overwhelmed today. I think I need to go talk to God and ask for some help. Usually that is what I am forgetting when I get so busy and frustrated. Why is it that we forget the one person who can make it all better or at least give us the strength to do what we need to do? GOD ~ HELP! Please settle my heart and mind and give me the strength I need to continue through my week. Help me make good eating choices and make it easy for me to exercise. AMEN
GOOD NIGHT Everyone!
I was ready to kill the puppy today. She scratched my face pretty good under my eye. Emily was so sweet she told me I was bleeding and then asked if she could doctor me. Of course I said yes. I enjoy my daughters company. She is so sweet!
I'm exhausted today too. I do believe it is because I've not been eating enough food. I'm not getting enough protein, carbs or fat. I've neglected myself this week and I sure can tell the difference. My energy level is gone and I don't seem to be able to focus and I'm pretty grumpy too. I wanted so much to get my room cleaned, my bathroom cleaned, all the clothes washed and a start on doing a purge on Emily's room (she is growing up way to fast!). I've cleaned the kitchen and washed 1.5 loads of clothes.
I'm not sure I'll get much more done tomorrow. I pick the kids up from Kids Camp at the church then I've got to figure out dinner and time to workout too. The kids want to do the rock wall again so at least they won't mind going. Oh yes, did I mention Becky is in labor too! Or at least she thinks she is.
Yes, I'm overwhelmed today. I think I need to go talk to God and ask for some help. Usually that is what I am forgetting when I get so busy and frustrated. Why is it that we forget the one person who can make it all better or at least give us the strength to do what we need to do? GOD ~ HELP! Please settle my heart and mind and give me the strength I need to continue through my week. Help me make good eating choices and make it easy for me to exercise. AMEN
GOOD NIGHT Everyone!
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Week 9 - Wednesday - I'm ready for bed!
I had a good morning and most of my afternoon was good, but busy. Right before I left for work it got ugly. WHAT Fun. At least when I got to the gym I had plenty of energy to burn off! I did weights and a little cardio and had a good workout. When I got home I think my whole house was grumpy. I figured since everyone was grumpy I'd go ahead and just put them to work. The kids folded clothes (while grumbling loudly) and put them up while I cleaned the kitchen. I'd been letting them do it, but it needed to be cleaned properly. They seem to forget that wiping off counters and the table are part of the job. I remember my mom fussing about the same things. Then they watched me sort and fold all of the socks (large basket full) while we discussed why people get married and then decide they don't want to stay that way and they could not understand why someone would do that. A hard subject for them to grasp. But I was glad they felt comfortable talking with me about it. Barry was at the store and then went up and seranaded us with his banjo. He is getting really good. I'm so tired right now I don't know if what I'm writing makes sense so ya'll forgive my distracted mind. It is time for a shower and then bed.
Sweet Dreams!
Sweet Dreams!
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Week 9 - Tuesday - Cow Taunting
I could just see the Chick-fil-A cows taunting me this morning. We have chicken biscuits delivered every Tuesday at work and they were calling my name this morning. Those cows were encouraging me to just eat one! I had to avoid the breakarea all morning so that I would not give into temptation! I finally decided that if I was going to cheat it would have to be for something better than a biscuit. An Oreo Blizzard, McDonalds french fries, Olive Garden whatever, I really could pig today.
I did have someone who actually did not know I was doing this notice I was losing weight today. It was also the one person I figured would never even acknowledge it. I was really surprised and pleased. It made me feel good that someone finally can tell! YEAH!!!!! Maybe God knew I needed to hear something positive to keep my hands out of the cookie jar so to speak!
I did have someone who actually did not know I was doing this notice I was losing weight today. It was also the one person I figured would never even acknowledge it. I was really surprised and pleased. It made me feel good that someone finally can tell! YEAH!!!!! Maybe God knew I needed to hear something positive to keep my hands out of the cookie jar so to speak!
Monday, June 12, 2006
Week 9 - Monday - Good Workout
I had a good day today. Work was pretty good and I met with my trainer, Dave, tonight. I showed him my sheet with my progress and he was very impressed. He said I was doing very well. He also said that doing both cardio and weights would make a difference in losing weight. He said those women who only do cardio and get down to their correct weight have no muscle mass left and have to starve themselves to keep that weight, but if you build your muscles and lose their weight they can sustain their weight in a normal manner. Hopefully this is true! We will find out eventually.
I had an extremely good workout and added weight to most everything except my arms. My arms are apparently pretty weak. I hopefully will be able to build the muscle. My left arm and shoulder are wimpy. I guess day by day is the only way.
I had an extremely good workout and added weight to most everything except my arms. My arms are apparently pretty weak. I hopefully will be able to build the muscle. My left arm and shoulder are wimpy. I guess day by day is the only way.
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Week 9 - Sunday - What a Sleepy Day!
It is 95 degrees outside and it is a very sleepy day!
I finally got out of the bed at 7:45 this morning after listening to Raven whine to get out of her crate for 30 minutes. I had a protein shake for breakfast and a was able to take my time this morning getting dressed for church. We went to see Megan Roberts dedicated to God by her parents Tammy and David this morning. I was really proud of them. It was great to see them so happy and I really enjoyed getting to hear David play the drums. He was really good! Ms. Megan was a sweetie too. She really liked Emily. I'll share pictures if I can get Tammy to share one or two with me. I forgot my camera.
We then decided on Ted's for lunch. I had buffalo Pot Roast. It was yummy and very high in protein! Then we took a small detour to Kohl's and then home. I've been washing clothes and picking up most of the afternoon. I did download my scrapbook software this afternoon so that I can put together some cool pages on the computer. Maybe I can create my scrapbooks this way. At least it does not make as big of a mess!!!! Anything that keeps my hands busy keeps me out of the food! I was even so busy I forgot to eat my afternoon snack. That part is not good, but at least I am no longer focusing on what I'm going to eat next and focusing on other things.
The pressure is now on to do really good this month since I did well last month!!! I want to lose 12lbs so I can be on track for 30lbs halfway through. That means lots of gym time and I've got some tapes at home. I always find excuses at home though. You guys stay on me to workout as much as possible. Another 10 inches and I'll have to buy some new clothes for certain! I've been able to dig deep into my closet and find a few things but too much more and those will not work either. I like this problem though!
I hope everyone had a great Sunday!
I finally got out of the bed at 7:45 this morning after listening to Raven whine to get out of her crate for 30 minutes. I had a protein shake for breakfast and a was able to take my time this morning getting dressed for church. We went to see Megan Roberts dedicated to God by her parents Tammy and David this morning. I was really proud of them. It was great to see them so happy and I really enjoyed getting to hear David play the drums. He was really good! Ms. Megan was a sweetie too. She really liked Emily. I'll share pictures if I can get Tammy to share one or two with me. I forgot my camera.
We then decided on Ted's for lunch. I had buffalo Pot Roast. It was yummy and very high in protein! Then we took a small detour to Kohl's and then home. I've been washing clothes and picking up most of the afternoon. I did download my scrapbook software this afternoon so that I can put together some cool pages on the computer. Maybe I can create my scrapbooks this way. At least it does not make as big of a mess!!!! Anything that keeps my hands busy keeps me out of the food! I was even so busy I forgot to eat my afternoon snack. That part is not good, but at least I am no longer focusing on what I'm going to eat next and focusing on other things.
The pressure is now on to do really good this month since I did well last month!!! I want to lose 12lbs so I can be on track for 30lbs halfway through. That means lots of gym time and I've got some tapes at home. I always find excuses at home though. You guys stay on me to workout as much as possible. Another 10 inches and I'll have to buy some new clothes for certain! I've been able to dig deep into my closet and find a few things but too much more and those will not work either. I like this problem though!
I hope everyone had a great Sunday!
Friday, June 09, 2006
Week - 8 - Friday - Weigh - In #2
Weigh-in #2 took place last night! And the results are:
First number is for this month next number is total for 2 months.
Weight Lost
7.30 lbs - 18.60 lbs
Inches Lost:
Bust 2.50 - 4.00
Waist 3.00 - 3.50
Hips 2.50 - 2.50
Thigh 2.50 - 3.00
Bicep 0.00 - 0.50
TOTAL 10.50 - 13.50
Percentage Weight Lost
2.78% - 7.09%
Percentage Inches Lost
5.37% - 8.15%
Total Percentage Lost
8.15% - 14.00%
I was pretty proud of this! I really wanted a weight loss of 20lbs for the past 2 months, but I was really close. Maybe I can make this up next month and be at 30lbs lost. I think that should be my goal for next month.
Check out the team pictures from last night. Can you tell we have all lost weight! It is really exciting and to see everyone succeed, it is awesome! Every one of us is a winner!
The Green team has lost a total of 64 lbs

The orange team has lost a total of 60 lbs and they were down 1 team member. Looks like my team needs to work harder!!!!

We had a sports pyscologist from Tanner come in and talk to us about the mental benefits of exercise. It was really interesting and we all really enjoyed it.
At the end of the meeting they announced the biggest loser for the month with the monthly total percentage lost and that person would win an exercise matt, Jillian's (from Biggest Loser) Kickboxing DVD and Tube weight resistance system. Guess who won? GUESS GUESS GUESS
I was extremely surprised! I am not out to win prizes. I'm out to win me back! The prizes are an added benefit! It really made me feel good and I think it will be a continued motivator to keep up with my exercising and work even harder next month. I want to see the 30 lb mark! And if I won that means every single person that has encouraged me and been there for me also wins as well! Thank you to everyone and please keep pushing me, asking me and don't let me slack off at all!
First number is for this month next number is total for 2 months.
Weight Lost
7.30 lbs - 18.60 lbs
Inches Lost:
Bust 2.50 - 4.00
Waist 3.00 - 3.50
Hips 2.50 - 2.50
Thigh 2.50 - 3.00
Bicep 0.00 - 0.50
TOTAL 10.50 - 13.50
Percentage Weight Lost
2.78% - 7.09%
Percentage Inches Lost
5.37% - 8.15%
Total Percentage Lost
8.15% - 14.00%
I was pretty proud of this! I really wanted a weight loss of 20lbs for the past 2 months, but I was really close. Maybe I can make this up next month and be at 30lbs lost. I think that should be my goal for next month.
Check out the team pictures from last night. Can you tell we have all lost weight! It is really exciting and to see everyone succeed, it is awesome! Every one of us is a winner!
The Green team has lost a total of 64 lbs

The orange team has lost a total of 60 lbs and they were down 1 team member. Looks like my team needs to work harder!!!!

We had a sports pyscologist from Tanner come in and talk to us about the mental benefits of exercise. It was really interesting and we all really enjoyed it.
At the end of the meeting they announced the biggest loser for the month with the monthly total percentage lost and that person would win an exercise matt, Jillian's (from Biggest Loser) Kickboxing DVD and Tube weight resistance system. Guess who won? GUESS GUESS GUESS
I was extremely surprised! I am not out to win prizes. I'm out to win me back! The prizes are an added benefit! It really made me feel good and I think it will be a continued motivator to keep up with my exercising and work even harder next month. I want to see the 30 lb mark! And if I won that means every single person that has encouraged me and been there for me also wins as well! Thank you to everyone and please keep pushing me, asking me and don't let me slack off at all!
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Week 8 - Thursday - Body Pump
Kim Reed convinced me that I should come join her body pump class last night. Kim recently had a sweet little boy and is already back teaching classes. That is most impressive to me. So, I figured if she can do it right after having a baby I can at least make it through the class. I made it on time and Kim had another lady help me get set up with a bench and weights. I have to say that I was intimidated. I was also the largest person in the class. Needless to say I stood as close to the back wall as I could get! I actually made it through the entire class. I was able to do 95% of the movements and I was pleased with that! I may add this class to my weekly schedule. I had a good time and it is hard to be a whimp when others are around you. I got a really good workout!!! I have to admit that I am a bit sore this morning and I think it will get worse before it gets better!
Tonight is our second weigh-in! Yes, I'm nervous. It is always scary to see if my scale matches theirs. I really hope to have done well this month. I'm excited to see how many inches I've lost. I only lost 3 last month and that was very disappointing since I'd lost 11 lbs. Hopefully it will be better. It has to. I'm safety pinning my pants now. Hopefully my next post will be filled with lots of good news.
Tonight is our second weigh-in! Yes, I'm nervous. It is always scary to see if my scale matches theirs. I really hope to have done well this month. I'm excited to see how many inches I've lost. I only lost 3 last month and that was very disappointing since I'd lost 11 lbs. Hopefully it will be better. It has to. I'm safety pinning my pants now. Hopefully my next post will be filled with lots of good news.
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Week 8 - Tuesday - Pool Fun
I came straight home tonight with the intentions of taking a long walk while Barry took Devin to Flag Football practice. However, Emily asked if we could go swimming instead. We hurried up and did the dishes and went to the pool. We had a really good time racing each other across the pool and being silly. Those of you with children don't let times like these pass by. Spending a few quality minutes with your child can make all the difference in the world in them and you. We had a great time. It was not a long walk, but hopefully I got enough exercise anyway. It was fun to do something different!
Week 8 - Tuesday - 19lbs and Shrinking
Well, according to the scale this morning I am now down 19lbs. If I could lose at least one more before Thursday's weigh-in I'll be happy. I'm really excited to also see how many inches I've lost. I am now safety pinning most of my pants to keep them up so I've got to have lost some inches.
I was not able to workout with my trainer yesterday due to taking dad for an endoscopy at Crawford Long yesterday so I was a little disappointed with that, but I did go and do my weights anyway. Kim Reed saw me at the gym and wants me to try her Body Pump class she is teaching on Monday & Wednesday's. She promised me she would pretend like she does not know me and would not laugh when I was totally uncoordinated. I'm considering trying it Wednesday evening.
All of the contestants are in the Chapel Hills News and Views so it was pretty interesting on Sunday when people would ask me about it. I also had a good friend, Brenda, e-mail me yesterday and say she saw me in the magazine too. She also works out at Gold's and we may try and workout together. I would really enjoy that!
So how many other people are having a hard time breathing this week? Everyone I talked to is having allergy problems including me. I feel horrible. I've not really wanted to eat and trying to exercise when you feel bad is difficult. Hopefully this will pass quickly!
Everyone pray that Kelly and I have a great weigh-in on Thursday night! Your support and encouragement are more important than you can realize!
Thanks everyone!
I was not able to workout with my trainer yesterday due to taking dad for an endoscopy at Crawford Long yesterday so I was a little disappointed with that, but I did go and do my weights anyway. Kim Reed saw me at the gym and wants me to try her Body Pump class she is teaching on Monday & Wednesday's. She promised me she would pretend like she does not know me and would not laugh when I was totally uncoordinated. I'm considering trying it Wednesday evening.
All of the contestants are in the Chapel Hills News and Views so it was pretty interesting on Sunday when people would ask me about it. I also had a good friend, Brenda, e-mail me yesterday and say she saw me in the magazine too. She also works out at Gold's and we may try and workout together. I would really enjoy that!
So how many other people are having a hard time breathing this week? Everyone I talked to is having allergy problems including me. I feel horrible. I've not really wanted to eat and trying to exercise when you feel bad is difficult. Hopefully this will pass quickly!
Everyone pray that Kelly and I have a great weigh-in on Thursday night! Your support and encouragement are more important than you can realize!
Thanks everyone!
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Week 7 - Sunday - Islands of Adventure
Once again we got up early and swapped hotels. This time for good. We stayed in the Portofino Bay Resort at Universal. This is a really awesome resort. It is so peaceful and really takes you away. We take a short boat trip to City Walk and walk over to IOA. First stop was the Hulk! Last time we went I was unable to ride because I was too wide for the seats. This time I could have ridden had I chosen to because I FIT INTO THE SEAT! I was very excited.
Next stop was Spiderman which bounches and spins you around. Barry almost did not make it off the ride without being sick. Unfortunately, this is his favorite ride and it got the better of him. The kids thought it was pretty funny.
From there we headed to Suess Landing. I love this section of the park. I think I've found my christmas card picture this year. What do you think?

So do I look any smaller yet? I have to say that I feel much better. I was actually able to really enjoy myself this time and was not so exhausted I could not have fun. It gave me lots of encouragement.
We had lunch at Mythos. This is for the 4th year running the number 1 Theme Park Restaurant in the world. It is heavenly! And they even had something just for me. Yeah. As you can see, we had a lot of fun. Emily was having fun taking pictures of Barry and I and she wanted a picture of us kissing, but it took her so long we were giggling pretty hard by the time she actually took the photo.

After doing all the fun things in the park we headed back to the hotel to change and then we had dinner at Bob Marley's in City Walk. Oh that was so yummy! and yes, I made good choices. But prior to that Emily got a hairwrap that she was oh soooo proud of. This was her reward for straight A's. Very good Em! I have to say that Devin also got straight A's but he did not want a hair wrap.

Yes, I will turn the pictures around when I get a minute!
After dinner we headed back to the resort. This time we walked. It is about a half a mile walk from City Walk and it was wonderful.
Next stop was Spiderman which bounches and spins you around. Barry almost did not make it off the ride without being sick. Unfortunately, this is his favorite ride and it got the better of him. The kids thought it was pretty funny.
From there we headed to Suess Landing. I love this section of the park. I think I've found my christmas card picture this year. What do you think?

So do I look any smaller yet? I have to say that I feel much better. I was actually able to really enjoy myself this time and was not so exhausted I could not have fun. It gave me lots of encouragement.
We had lunch at Mythos. This is for the 4th year running the number 1 Theme Park Restaurant in the world. It is heavenly! And they even had something just for me. Yeah. As you can see, we had a lot of fun. Emily was having fun taking pictures of Barry and I and she wanted a picture of us kissing, but it took her so long we were giggling pretty hard by the time she actually took the photo.

After doing all the fun things in the park we headed back to the hotel to change and then we had dinner at Bob Marley's in City Walk. Oh that was so yummy! and yes, I made good choices. But prior to that Emily got a hairwrap that she was oh soooo proud of. This was her reward for straight A's. Very good Em! I have to say that Devin also got straight A's but he did not want a hair wrap.

Yes, I will turn the pictures around when I get a minute!
After dinner we headed back to the resort. This time we walked. It is about a half a mile walk from City Walk and it was wonderful.
Week 6 - Saturday - Sea World
We got up bright and early Saturday morning and headed to Sea World after a really good breakfast at Cracker Barrell (yes, I was good).
Once we got to Orlando we waited forever to get in the parking lot. I decided while we waited to go ahead and have a snack so I had my protein shake. Not such a good
idea when I realized a short time later it was going to take a good while and I had to go potty. This always makes for patient waiting! The lines to get in were even more crazy. Devin and I went ahead through the gates to get out of the way while Barry and Emily got her pass. As you can see from the picture, Devin got a bit impatient.
After we finally got into the park the first thing on the agenda was riding Kraken. This is one of the kids favorite roller coasters. I opted out to take pictures! If you look real close they are in the second row. I think the kids ended up riding at least 5 times, maybe more. The last 3 pictures was me cheating. They were the digital pictures you can buy and I just took a picture from the board. I thought they came out pretty well.

We had a great time seeing all the shows too. We saw the Believe Show (The new Shamu show) which debuted one of their new baby whales. This whale refused to go in the back like it was supposed to and delayed the show about 10 minutes. It was pretty neat I thought. We had faitas for lunch as it was the best choice I could find. Eating well at a theme park is rather challenging.

Did I mention how incredibly hot it was? It was in the mid 90's and there was not much shade unless you were watching a show. It started raining though around 5:00 and we were in the Dolphin viewing area which is underground. It was very cool and the kids sat on the floor in front of the tanks and watched to dolphins while listening to classical music. It was extremely relaxing. I really thought these pictures came out well.

By the time we left the parks at 9:45pm we were all exhausted! We went to the hotel, showered and were all asleep within a few minutes. What a great day we had!
Once we got to Orlando we waited forever to get in the parking lot. I decided while we waited to go ahead and have a snack so I had my protein shake. Not such a good

After we finally got into the park the first thing on the agenda was riding Kraken. This is one of the kids favorite roller coasters. I opted out to take pictures! If you look real close they are in the second row. I think the kids ended up riding at least 5 times, maybe more. The last 3 pictures was me cheating. They were the digital pictures you can buy and I just took a picture from the board. I thought they came out pretty well.

We had a great time seeing all the shows too. We saw the Believe Show (The new Shamu show) which debuted one of their new baby whales. This whale refused to go in the back like it was supposed to and delayed the show about 10 minutes. It was pretty neat I thought. We had faitas for lunch as it was the best choice I could find. Eating well at a theme park is rather challenging.

Did I mention how incredibly hot it was? It was in the mid 90's and there was not much shade unless you were watching a show. It started raining though around 5:00 and we were in the Dolphin viewing area which is underground. It was very cool and the kids sat on the floor in front of the tanks and watched to dolphins while listening to classical music. It was extremely relaxing. I really thought these pictures came out well.

By the time we left the parks at 9:45pm we were all exhausted! We went to the hotel, showered and were all asleep within a few minutes. What a great day we had!
Week 6 - Friday - Vacation Begins
The puppies got to go to their Grandparents while we were on vacation. When we told them, Sadie was sad and Raven hid under the bed (just kidding). I just thought these pictures were cute. Sadie is finally letting Raven get sort of close to her without growling. She is especially sensitive about her bed because Raven keeps using it like a litter box.

Well, I got to leave right at 3:00! Yippeeee. Barry and the kids had the car packed and picked me up at work. We were trying to save time, unfortunately, we got caught in a huge traffic jam and it took 1.25 hours to go what normally would have been 20 minutes. So we got off to a slow start, but it got better from there.
We stopped on the way down for dinner (Chick-fil-a) and ate in the car and got to Ocala around 9:30pm. Once in our room we played a really silly card game. We had to make up our own super heros and fight really dumb villians (Clicky Man is an example) using the cards we drew. The kids really enjoyed it.

Well, I got to leave right at 3:00! Yippeeee. Barry and the kids had the car packed and picked me up at work. We were trying to save time, unfortunately, we got caught in a huge traffic jam and it took 1.25 hours to go what normally would have been 20 minutes. So we got off to a slow start, but it got better from there.
We stopped on the way down for dinner (Chick-fil-a) and ate in the car and got to Ocala around 9:30pm. Once in our room we played a really silly card game. We had to make up our own super heros and fight really dumb villians (Clicky Man is an example) using the cards we drew. The kids really enjoyed it.

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