Last Saturday we took Devin to Univ. of West GA for his YSI (Young Scholars Institute) which is sponsered by an early entrance into college program at the University. We got there at 3:00 and helped Devin get settled into his room.

Despite the frown he has, he is actually pretty excited. He just did not want me to take his picture. Typical teenage boy.

They had a notebook ready for him when we got there that has his schedule for the week. Below is Barry and Devin checking it out.

After getting Devin settled into his room we had a parents meeting to let us know what to expect. They told us the kids would always be escorted by a resident mentor and that they always travelled in a large group. They also went into a bit more detail about the Advanced Acadamy. Generally students apply during their junior or senior year of high school, but there have been a few as young as 13. So technically if a student started in his freshman year of high school, he could graduate from high school and college at the same time. Crazy huh! Devin was excited about maybe doing this and asked if he could take the SAT again this year. You need a 1250 on the math and reading sections. He scored a 1020 last time so he has so improving to do before we can consider this.
Devin will have Geology, Math, Physics and Chemistry this week. He is most excited about Math. He is really looking forward to actually learning some new things.
After the meeting, Barry, Em and I headed home. It is so different at home when one of the kids is gone. Emily was excited about having us all to herself. She did not have to worry about being picked at all week! Peace and quiet is a beautiful thing.
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