Saturday, July 19, 2008

Fairplay Jaguar Cheerleaders

This past Thursday was Emily's first party with the other Fairplay Cheerleaders. They had a pool party late afternoon and had dogs and burgers. As you can see from the pictures, the first thing they did once in the pool is start to stunt. Looked pretty good too considering they have not had their first practice yet.

This is Emily and her friend Anna Butler. They pretty much hung out together the whole time.

I got to meet some of the moms and even met someone that lived close (Anna Butler) enough for us to car pool! That was awesome and such a relief. I was wondering how I was going to make all this work when Barry travels, but having additional help is fabulous.
Not only did the girls get to hang out a bit, but they got their uniforms too. Doesn't she looks so cute!

She told me it finally feels almost real!

They start camp on Monday and she is very exited. They have camp Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. I took Wednesday off so that I can help with lunch, take pictures and get to know some of the moms. (I also have a dentist appointment at 7:00am - YUCK)

Two weeks till school starts! This summer went by so fast! Emily is so excited about school starting and Devin is not excited at all.

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