Sunday, July 20, 2008

Beginning of 2nd Week of YSI

We dropped Devin off this afternoon again. It was much easier than the first time. I knew he was going to have fun and what to expect so I was not worried about him. He was a little unsure of this week in the beginning because it is Art and Humanities and he did not want to do the creative writing or the art. However, after going the first week and having so much fun, he did not seem to mind it as much. Plus, one of the classes was Computer Cartooning and he was excited about that.

This week Devin is taking Pottery, Creative Writing, Computer Cartooning and Philosophy. I think it will give him a pretty neat taste of some new things he has not been exposed to.

It was so funny watching the kids when we came back today. Those that were returning from last week all spoke to Devin and seemed really excited to see him. I really enjoyed the moment when two girls came running up to Devin and said "you are wearing black and that is so cool cause I'm wearing pink and we match." I thought he was going to turn every color pink. It was great!!! I love that he is interacting with friends and fitting in. Devin has never been the social butterfly that Emily is so it was nice to see.

Being sneaky parents, after we left Devin, we wanted to see if he caught up with the girls after we left on the way back to the dorms, so we drove over to the dorms and watched. Yep, he caught up with them and looked like he was having a great time. He is going to kill us when he finds out. Emily was so shocked we did it and she wanted to know if we would spy on her and we told her absolutely, that it was our job as parents! At least she won't be shocked when we do it. She has been warned!!!

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