Middle Row left - Emily, Betty, Susan, Vickie, and Beverly
Back row left - Kelly, Laura, Angela and Susan
Then came the dreaded weigh-in. Kellie Grubbs and Dana Reeve weighed each of us as well as performed our first cholesterol screening. Believe it or not, my cholesterol was 136. Yeah me. Then came the individual pictures so that we have before and after.
Day 1 - this is the last picture I will ever have to take at this weight. All other pictures you will see will be a slowly shrinking me.
Everyone I have told has been incredibly supportive. My family has been terrific. My husband Barry has made this so easy for me and I want everyone to know what an awesome guy he is and that I Love him very much. My children Devin and Emily have also been terrific and very excited for me. The few people I've shared with at work are also encouraging me and extremely supportive. Thanks Tammy, Paige and Lindsey! I also cannot do this without my friends at Crossroads Church in Douglasville - Janine, Charlotte, Rachael, Kelly, Laverne, Tracey and Angela - Please pray for me daily.
This is the first day for a ton of changes for me and my family.
God sure is cool!
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