Thursday, April 27, 2006

Day 12 - Gold's Gym

I have been working out every day at Gold's Gym where I've had a membership for years that I only used occasionally (can't use that as an excuse). I spoke with Tracey Delong, Fitness Counselor, on the phone yesterday afternoon on the way home. She was terrific and made me feel very comfortable. When I got to the gym she was busy with another customer so I went ahead and did my thing in the gym. 45 minutes later I returned to the desk and introduced myself. Tracey comes around the counter and gives me a big hug. I was very surprised by her warm welcome and even more surprised since I was a bit sweaty! She has no idea what a positive impression that made on me. Taking these steps to lose weight and having people actually take you seriously is HUGE. The one thing that can totally discourage someone who is trying to lose weight is for another person to not take them seriously and not support them. When you are heavy, walking into a gym is EXTREMELY intimidating! THANK YOU TRACEY for taking me seriously!!!!!

Tracey and I talked a few minutes and then she introduced me to Dave Hansey, my personal trainer. I had met Dave briefly on a previous visit. I found out Dave had served in the military (Marines and Army) and hopefully he won't yell at me like a Marine Corp Drill instructor. I do want him to push me like one though!!!!! Dave - if you are reading this I'll deny writing it!!! I am looking forward to my first meeting with him next Monday at 5:30.

Thank you so much Gold's Gym - Chapel Hill Road for sponsoring me! Anyone looking for a good gym see Tracey at Gold's!

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Day 10 - Where Oh Where is the Protein?

I spent 30 minutes last night planning food for today. My friend Tammy is going by and getting me the stuff for Protein Shakes. (THANKS TAMMY!) I know it sounds nasty, but this stuff is really not bad. I actually like it. It is called Meta-Meal and it has 22 protein and 2 carbs plus the milk. Makes a good breakfast.

I've not been as hungry today, but I also have not lost any weight since last Thursday. I'm down 5lbs right now. YIPPPPPPPPPPPEEEEE. It is so easy to get discouraged so I'm trying very hard not to.

Emily has made me a few encouraging signs for my wall at work. She is my biggest cheerleader! By the way Emily - Congrats on making alternate for the competition cheerleading squad - Junior Level 2 for DGCC.


Emily and I hurried to the mall Saturday morning to meet with Miranda at 11:15. I was very excited and nervous to find out what they had in store for me. Miranda and her sponser met with me for close to an hour going over my food diary and then laying out a plan for me. They were terrific! I learned I was not eating enough, I was getting too many carbs and not enough protein or fiber and I also need to eat more often. They told me I was going to crash pretty soon and it would happen because of the way I was eating - even though I was really trying hard to eat well.

Here's my plan for now.

Calories - 1600
Protein - 160g
Carbs - 120g
Fat - 35
Fiber - 25
Extra calories - 165 (this is for those "empty foods" or condiments)
Eat every 3-4 hours
Have protein within the hour after I've worked out.

So on Saturday I failed miserably. 160 protein is a LOT! Did I mention how hard this was? OH MY GOODNESS!

I planned a bit better on Sunday since this was my first full day. I even remembered to bring a snack to church and ate it behind the black boxes in the pre-school area so the kids could not see me and want some too. I still did not meat my goal. Too many carbs and not enough protein or calories. The fat and fiber were not as difficult. Miranda was right about me crashing too. I got home from church and I was exhausted. All I wanted to do was sit and stare. I did not even have the energy to lay down. I got up and went to Gold's anyway. After dinner Barry and I went grocery shopping. It took us over an hour because we were reading every label looking for things for me to eat.

Yesterday was much better. I was no where near as tired. I finally was able to reach 155g of Protein. I was shy 5, but I was happy! It was close.

Day 6 - Weekly Meeting 1 - Nutrition

I was really looking forward to this day. We were having our first weekly meeting and it was on nutrition. I worked out everyday at Gold's and felt halfway decent about that, but I had no idea what to eat. We were given a food diary to keep daily and I realized that I was barely eating 900 calories a day. It was working because I had lost 5lbs when I weighed at THS. However, I also knew that this was not the way to go because I was starving.

Miranda Hebert our Dietition (Miranda has 2 months to go in her internship to be a RD - GO MIRANDA) gave us tons of information on THIS IS NOT A DIET but a life change. Miranda shared with us what fat, carbs, fiber, protein do for us and explained the need for each. She also provided us with the new food pyramid which no longer shows foods stacked on top of each other but beside each other because there is not one more important that the other.

For those of you wondering if we are being placed on strict diets, the answer is NO! We are being taught how to eat for our individual needs. I am so excited about meeting with Miranda on Saturday and really getting started properly with my eating. I have to admit I'm a bit nervous though. I am probably the pickiest eater in the world.

April 15th - DAY 1

April 15th was the Kickoff for the Tanner Weight Loss Challenge (TWLC). We all met at the Tanner Health Source at the mall for our first meeting and introduction to the other players. We were all given orange t-shirts and really cool Tanner backpacks that contained much of the information we needed for the contest. Each of us was given the opportunity to introduce ourselfs and explain our motivation for being in the challenge. It was very inspiring hearing everyone's story.
Front left - Don, Dot and Dave
Middle Row left - Emily, Betty, Susan, Vickie, and Beverly
Back row left - Kelly, Laura, Angela and Susan

Then came the dreaded weigh-in. Kellie Grubbs and Dana Reeve weighed each of us as well as performed our first cholesterol screening. Believe it or not, my cholesterol was 136. Yeah me. Then came the individual pictures so that we have before and after.

Day 1 - this is the last picture I will ever have to take at this weight. All other pictures you will see will be a slowly shrinking me.

Everyone I have told has been incredibly supportive. My family has been terrific. My husband Barry has made this so easy for me and I want everyone to know what an awesome guy he is and that I Love him very much. My children Devin and Emily have also been terrific and very excited for me. The few people I've shared with at work are also encouraging me and extremely supportive. Thanks Tammy, Paige and Lindsey! I also cannot do this without my friends at Crossroads Church in Douglasville - Janine, Charlotte, Rachael, Kelly, Laverne, Tracey and Angela - Please pray for me daily.

This is the first day for a ton of changes for me and my family.
God sure is cool!

Tanner Weight Loss Challenge

Tanner Health Source located in Arbor Place Mall is sponsering a Weight Loss Challenge. The challenge will consist of 12 contestants which will commit for 6 months. We will receive a 6 month gym membership, a personal trainer to help us succeed, group motivational meetings and weigh-ins, individual consults with a registered dietitian, health assessments including blood work for cholesterol, incentives to motivate, potential to win fabulous prizes and best of all - The prize of good health!!!

My friends Janine Dean and Kelly Thomason told me about the contest and I mentioned it to my family and Emily, my 10 year old daughter, got very excited about it and told me I had to enter. She said she knew I would be chosen. Emily sent me an e-mail a few days later and told me that I always do for everyone else and that I needed to do something for myself for a change. So.... I entered.

Approximately 50 people submitted applications, 30 were interviewed and 12 selected. I was very surprised when they called to schedule an interview. I did not think I'd have a chance. But as I look back, I'm not surprised. I had been praying about my weight for a while and I knew I needed help, but was not sure where to find it. I asked the ladies in my Life Group from church to pray with me about it too. Thank you Laverne, Rachael and Tracey! Be careful what you ask for because God sure does deliver! I was so excited the day they called me and told me I had been selected. What an awesome opportunity to lose weight. We are being given all the right tools to succeed. This is exactly what I needed. God also knew he'd have to place me in a position where there was no backing out. My only option now is to become a LOSER!