After day one they had done fabulous. We were in 2nd place and the girls were thrilled. They had their best routine yet and were so proud of themselves! It was awesome just to watch.
We headed back to the hotel to change and don't you love what happens to the hair when you take it down from all the clips and hairspray.
We then headed over to Cheasapeakes for a quite dinner with Melissa and Alexandra. They have fabulous food and it can be pricey, but we pinched our pennies and ate cheap. The girls were so silly.

Not only were we out of town and had to be up an hour earlier than the day before, but we also lost an hour due to the time change. I'd say the girls look pretty well awake though. They were chillaxing in the rocking chairs before the competition started.
Alexandra is in charge of Emily's lips (according to the girls) and I loved watching them. They were so serious.
Great job Alexandra!!!
This sideways picture is of the mini coach - Rachael with her police scooter. We just love her!

I loved these next pictures. Joy was giving the yellow team a power pep talk. Joy is an amazing motivational speaker and she had the girls total attention and she had them pumped up. It was so awesome!

One more competition !!!!