Barry and I told the kids it was going to be a simple Christmas and that they were not getting much. Devin wanted a WII and or a PS3 which we told him were out of the question. No way could we afford that! Yes, of course, we LIED! But they did nt know that. We hid the PS3 and Em's DS in the oven because we knew they would recognize the box and we also hid Rock Band in the garage. Sneaky we were.
This monkey Devin got was so much fun. You stretched him out and he would shoot across the room making monkey noises. Barry and I tried it out on the sidewalk at the shopping center and laughed and laughed.
Well, Look what we have here in the stove!!
Devin told me he would ACTUALLY kiss me if he got a PS3. This was his kiss! I should be carefull of what I ask for. In all seriousness, I did get my kiss.
Raven is not sure what to think !!
Emily got her first make-up for Christmas. She was so excited to try it out. I was not sure how long it would last seeing her with some pretty interesting "looks". She only wears eyeliner sometimes now.