Thursday, July 05, 2007

July 4th - Fireworks

On Tuesday we took a trip to Alabama for some fireworks. We toned it down this year because of the drought, but we still had a good time. There is nothing like fireworks to bring out the little boy in a grown man.

We had to play with the smoke bombs first. They came in pretty colors! We had fun rolling them down our street. There are blue streaks now in the middle of the road.

Then they shot off something with ribbons in it.
Of course after retrieving the ribbons, Devin made me a hat!

Raven was watching through the window by the door and wanted to join us. We thought she might be upset by the noise, but she did not seemed bothered at all. She just wanted to hang with the family.

This one made really cool sounds as it went up. It was my favorite.

Our grand finale!

I was really surprised at how the sparklers showed up on the camera. I've got a fireworks setting and this is how they came out. Very cool. The first one is Devin doing the Zoro symbol.

We had a wonderful 4th of July. Hope everyone else did as well!