We then went on to Gatlinburg and stayed in a really awesome cabin overlooking the mountains. We had such an awesome view. We met up with a friend of ours who has recently been hired as a National Park Ranger and he is stationed in the Smokey Mountains. He invited us to join him on a talk and hike the next day. Barry told him we'd love to come. Trevor said it was 2.2 miles round trip and a moderate walk. (I'm not sure who's standards they use for moderate, but I would not consider that a moderate walk!) We began the hike at over 3,000 feet up and then went up another 600 feet. THIS IS NOT MODERATE HIKING in my book! I got to the point where I was unable to take a deep breath. My legs would burn sometimes when we were going up a steep rocky slope, but other than that I was fine except for my breathing. Barry hung back and walked with me and I totally appreciated that! I was not about to let my kids see me quit. When we made it to the top (1 hour later- which Trevor says is actually really good time for that trail) we stopped at a waterfall which was very COLD. When you walked underneath it the spray felt heavenly. I have to say the walk down was much easier, but horrible on the bladder!!!! Later Trevor was telling us that the air quality got worse as you got higher due to acid rain, and pollution that is trapped in the mountains from all of the surrounding cities (yes, this includes Atlanta! - shame on us). He said I had done very well and it did not appear that I was having a hard time at all! This made me feel better.

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