We had to be at the mall at 8:30am for our final weigh-in and measurements. We all arrived on time and they made us wait outside until everyone arrived. We were all very nervous! Once they finally let us in we walked into the class room and this is what we saw.

Life size cardboard cutouts of ourselves. It was REALLY WEIRD! VERY WERID! They looked so real at a quick glance.
Once we got over the shock of them we started to really look and see the differences in everyone from when we started. Here are some of them.

Don't we all look great?
We then had to carry ourselves through the mall to where the fashion show was set up and place ourselves on the stage and practice walking the stage if we wished.

Then we all headed to our hair and make-up appointments. It was fun to be pampered a bit.

Dot ~ we all enjoyed watching you put on your own make-up after the lady was finished with yours. And yes, it looked great after you were done!
Then we all came back on stage where they annouced how each of us had done.

Then Beverly and I were brought to the front because we were the top two losers!!! Way to go Beverly!
Then the winner was announced.

WOW! I actually won! Thanks goes to all of you out there who supported me and put up with me and listened to me and prayed for me. Please keep it up. I still have a lonnnnnnng lonnnng way to go!